IP Networking Training - Basic Networking

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Module Length: 1 Credit Hour
Approved for CEUs by: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah

In this course, we will begin by defining what a network is, show you the various ways a network can be constructed and, in general terms, how data is sent from one point to another.

When you complete this course, you should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the various network classifications,
  • Describe common network topologies,
  • Differentiate the key protocols used on an Ethernet network,
  • Dissect IP addresses and identify the two versions, and
  • Compare and contrast the commonly used network operating systems


SecurityCEU Subscription Program

Course Demographics
Course Length (min.) 60 Video  NO
Mobile Friendly YES Audio  YES
CEU Approvals
State Hours Special Instructions
Louisiana 1
Mississippi 1
New Jersey 1 Click HERE for Details
South Dakota 1 Click HERE for Details
Tennessee 1
Utah 1 Click HERE for Details